STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Developmental Discipline 1. INTRODUCTION The school’s approach towards discipline is for every student to acquire self discipline and be responsible conduct so as to contribute to the overall well-being of all in the school. Every child has the right to expect a conducive teaching and learning environment. Likewise, every student has the responsibility to contribute to that environment.
All the students are expected to fulfill the 3 Basic Expectations :
3 Basic Expectations Conduct
1. Respect People and Property Students are to be respectful in attitude and manner to people and property. 2. Attend School Regularly Students are to attend all academic programmes, co-curricular activities, school functions and other school related programmes. 3. Do and Submit Work Students are to work diligently not only on assigned daily class work, homework, projects and others but also have regular self-revision in order to ensure quality work is produced. 2. RULES & REGULATION ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY
Attendance in school is compulsory.Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate. Excuse from school may be granted on compassionate grounds and on a case-by-case basis. All medical certificates or letters of excuse must be submitted to the Form Teacher immediately when the student returns to school. Absence without valid reason will be deemed as truancy.
Parents need to apply for leave of absence for their child from the Principal to leave or absent themselves from school for urgent private matters. Permission to leave school early may be granted for special cases. The Form Teacher must be informed by the student and permission must be obtained from the Principal or Vice-Principal. His/Her parent/ guardian will be contacted and his/her name will be entered in the Early Dismissal book in the General Office. Students may leave for overseas travel only during school-announced or official holidays.
Students must be punctual for school, CCA and all school events. Students who are late for school i.e. after morning assembly are subjected to late-coming procedures which include a report slip before they are allowed back to class.
Students are expected to be in school by 7.30 a.m. All Form Teachers will then mark attendance.
All students must stand at attention for the flag-raising ceremony.
All students must sing the School Song with pride and respect.
During morning reflection, students are to listen carefully and to record down learning points in the handbook.
Classes are to proceed to the School Hall in a quiet & orderly manner and be seated quickly.
A respectful silence and orderliness must be maintained during all assemblies.
Students must not absent themselves and must be punctual.
Class attendance will be taken. Absence without a valid reason will be considered as truancy.
All students are expected to a caring, persevering and forward-looking person.
All students are to make good use of platforms created for your development.
Do leave the areas in school in a better condition and state of cleanliness after use.
Take good care of school properties and premises. Cost of replacement for vandalized items will be borne by student(s) responsible for the damage.
Maintain highest standards of cleanliness at all times on the school premises. Cleanliness includes the maintenance of the immediate surrounding areas.
Mobile phones can only be switched on after school.
Work with all your classmates and teachers to achieve optimal outcomes.
All students must be punctual for lessons. Attendance will be taken before the start of each lesson.
Students must not to leave the classroom without permission by teachers.
Keep the classroom clean and neat at all times.
Consumption of food and sweet drinks are strictly not allowed in the classroom.
Show consideration to others by keeping the noise level low.
Update the class notice boards regularly.
Use of all forms of electronic gadgets is prohibited unless they are required for lessons, e.g. calculators for Maths and Electronic Dictionaries.
Students are not allowed to go to the library during the change of periods. All necessary materials must be taken from the library before assembly or during break times.